Privacy and Cookie Policy

Techfident Limited are committed to protecting your privacy. It is important to us to establish and maintain a trustworthy relationship with all our customers. Techfident Limited takes your privacy seriously by ensuring the right measures are in place to protect and secure your personal data in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and General Data Protection Regulations.

Who Are We?

Techfident Limited are primarily (but not limited to) a Business-to-Business supplier of IT and technology products. The information we use is designed to assist you in all aspects of IT and technology hardware and software.

We are committed to following the correct business practice by being open and transparent with you. This policy informs customers why we store your personal data, where we use the personal data given, and the important steps we take to protect it.

We may collect, store and use the following kinds of personal data:

What Types Of Data Do We Collect?

The personal data we collect enables Techfident Limited to process your order in an efficient, timely manner to provide you with the best possible service. The information is collected when completing an order and is not required to browse our website. We ask for a small amount of relevant information when placing an order or by registering with us:

  • Full name
  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • Billing address
  • Shipping address(es)
  • IP Address
  • Payment Information (securely stored with our Payment Service Provider Stripe whose Policies can be found here

Why Do We Use Your Data?

Techfident Limited use your information to complete and process your orders correctly. We may need to access your data if we require additional information regarding your order. Occasionally we may contact you to keep you up to date with the latest deals Techfident Limited can offer. Customer satisfaction is a priority to us and we follow up on our orders to make sure they have been received and to ask if you are happy with our service.

There is an opt in box on the registration page for inclusion on our marketing database but otherwise you can opt out via a link on any marketing email/mailer/eshot to unsubscribe. Our policy is not to send marketing email/mailer/eshot to any customers that have opted out or unsubscribe.

Techfident Limited works with a number of trusted agencies and businesses in order to provide you the high-quality goods and services you expect from us. Examples include: delivery companies, credit reference agencies, fraud prevention agencies, market research companies amongst others. Some examples of the categories of third parties with whom we share your data are:

Distribution Partners - Techfident Limited works with a number of trusted partners who manage warehousing/dispatch processes and services on our behalf. All partners are subject to thorough security checks and will only hold the minimum amount of personal information needed in order to fulfil the orders you place or provide a service on our behalf.

Delivery Partners - In order for you to receive your goods, Techfident Limited works with a number of delivery partners. We only pass on limited information to them in order to ensure delivery of your items.

IT Companies - Techfident Limited works with companies who support our website capabilities, security, and other business systems.

Marketing Companies - We work with marketing companies who help us manage our electronic communications with you such as sending Newsletter emails or orders related emails on our behalf.

Payment processing - Techfident Limited works with trusted third-party payment processing providers in order to securely take and manage payments.

Where Your Personal Data Is Stored?

The information Techfident Limited collects from you is required so you can continue to purchase with us. This information is stored securely. We store your personal data for the duration you are a customer to us so we can complete your orders and validate any warranty. It is a legal requirement that our accounts department keep and maintain your payment records for a total of six years.

Website Data

When you visit Techfident’s website(s), a small amount of data is generated known as cookies. Cookies are small data files that your browser places on your computer or device. Cookies do not store any personal data about you or your use of the web. They can however help us deliver a more tailored service to you – for example, remembering recent product searches.

You can disable cookies from being stored on your computer or device by setting your browser to not accept cookies. Please note a specific visit to our website is not linked to a specific IP address and therefore collects anonymous statistics.

Links To Other Websites

Our website may contain links to other websites of interest. However, once you have used these links to leave our site, you should note that we do not have any control over that other website. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide whilst visiting such sites and such sites are not governed by this privacy statement. You should exercise caution and look at the privacy statement applicable to the website in question.

Do We Share Your Information With Third Parties?

Techfident Limited takes your privacy seriously and will only share your data if completely necessary to carry out the services we are providing. We do not sell or share your personal data with any third parties for marketing purposes.

You are responsible for keeping your password confidential. We will not ask you for your password.

It is possible that we may occasionally pass on your data to companies which we partner with to maintain a high level of customer service to you. We will always ensure that any personal details we pass on are going to a reputable company with a privacy policy that is compliant with current regulations. The companies we work with help us handle and execute your order correctly. For example, our suppliers help us get you the best prices, courier companies deliver your goods, and manufacturer's register and validate your purchase warranties.

Accessing Your Personal Data

You are entitled to access your personal data Techfident Limited holds on you at any time. You can do this by emailing your request to our Data Protection Officer (details below). We work hard to make sure your requests are acted on as quickly as possible and within the GDPR requirements

You can unsubscribe from Techfident’s mailing list at any time by visiting the website and clicking on the opt out button located within your account. If you have difficulty finding it then please email [email protected] or call 0203 4883282 and we will gladly help.

Updates To Our Privacy Policy

Techfident Limited may occasionally change and update this Privacy Notice. When we do make any changes, we will publish them on our website. If you have any questions or concerns about the collection, use or disclosure of your personal information, please feel welcome to contact us.

Techfident Limited takes pride in the service provided to all customers and we work hard to ensure your privacy and personal data is safe.

Any questions relating to this privacy policy should be sent to our Data Protection Officer: [email protected] via email.

How to complain

If you have any concerns about our use of your personal information, you can make a complaint to us at [email protected] or in writing to:
Techfident Limited, Studio 10, New Mead Barn, Wickham Hall, Hadham Road, Bishops Stortford, CM23 1JG

You can also complain to the ICO if you are unhappy with how we have used your data.
The ICO’s address:

Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

Helpline number: 0303 123 1113
ICO website: